Here are the rules.
1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger posted for you and then create 11 new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
3. Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Let them know you have tagged them.
Here are Jessie's questions.....
1. What is your favorite room to decorate and why?
I like all rooms, but I think a living room or family room is my fave. Selecting fabrics and designing custom pieces are lots of fun and using everything in the room from finishes, architectural treatments, lighting, window treatments....all down to the last pillow, to paint a complete picture about the homeowner's style and personality is what is I like so much about designing that type of room.
2. What is your favorite decorating trend?
Oh, this hard. Today, it is large, oversized patterns. Ask me tomorrow and my answer might be different.
Kathryn Ireland via House Beautiful
3. Which decorating trend you think is way overrated?
White marble....I love it, but it's not for everyone everywhere. There are soooo many choices out there. All our kitchens don't have to look alike do they?
4. What is your biggest decorating pet peeve?
EVERYthing in a room being too overwrought and detailed. I wrote a post about that titled Pick Something.
5. Averagely, how much time do you put into a blog post?
Way too much, several hours usually. Since I work over 40 hours a week, I'm squeezing it in all the time. I'm kind of obsessed with design though and this comes naturally for me. I think about it all the time, I might as well be writing about it. It sort of helps me organize my thoughts and communicate with clients and future clients in a unique way.
6. What have you learned/ gained from blogging?
I love reading how other designers/bloggers work and what their thoughts are on different aspects of design. It's such a great way to share information. I've met some really lovely people out here on the blogs.
7. Who do you most admire in the blogging world and why?
I really admire the bloggers that are out there writing each and every post themselves and are putting themselves out there in a personal way. Keeping unique material coming all the time from one person can be difficult, especially when you're trying to run a business too!
8. What is the coolest opportunity that has come your way because of your blog?
I'm hoping it's yet to come! I would love to have more of my work published in the national magazines and even be writing about design and remodeling for some kind of regular publication. Maybe even a book someday?
9. Who is your favorite decorator and why?
Soooo hard to choose. I love Victoria Hagan's clean, crisp aesthetic, Kelly Wearstler's free-spirited creativity, and Martyn Lawrence-Bullard's incredible client relationships. I love the calm of a Suzanne Kasler interior, the subtleties of the work of John Saladino, the color in a space designed by Jamie Drake, and the mix put together by Jeffrey Bilhuber. I love the passion for client and location driven design so adeptly practiced by Barry Dixon, the drama in a Steven Volpe interior, and the diverse projects of Alberto Pinto. I love the sophistication of Kay Douglass' work and..... well, there's so many more....but on to the next question.
Victoria Hagan - House Beautiful
Kelly Wearstler - Viceroy Hotel
Martin-Lawrence Bullard - Elle Decor
Suzanne Kasler - House Beautiful
Jamie Drake - House Beautiful
Jeffrey Bilhuber - House Beautiful
John Saladino
Barry Dixon
Steven Volpe - Elle Decor
Alberto Pinto - Arch. Digest
Kay Douglass - Veranda
My own house needs a major overhaul....except for my bathroom which I did several years ago. I have no time to do my own!
I've often been asked if I know exactly what I should do to a room when I first look at it. I've even been to consultations where people ask me to design their kitchen right there on the spot. I hope through my blog that my future clients and others can see all the thought and care and detail that is involved in interior design. I hope they can see that it is work, not something that happens instantly or appears as an immediate vision. It takes time and careful consideration to knit together a space that is suited for someone else. I hope they can see the diverse nature of this business and how a designer can bring much value to a project. The more I share, the more prepared my future clients and anyone attempting a design project should be. At least, that's the goal!
I'm tagging these great bloggers.
Here are my 11 questions....I borrowed some from Jessie.. Hers were so good!
1. What prompted you to start writing a blog and how long have you been blogging?
2. Do you have another blog or are you on other social media sites? If so, which ones?
3. Which site boosts your blog stats the most? Can you give an example?
4. Is blogging still your primary social media focus or is another site becoming a stronger draw for you?
5. What are your plans and goals with this blog and other social media pursuits?
6. What opportunities have resulted for you from writing your blog?
7. What did you do with all your time before you started blogging?
8. What is your favorite decorating trend?
9. What is your decorating pet peeve?
10. Who is your favorite decorator and why?
11. What would a day spent doing your favorite things entail?
If I tagged you and you've already been tagged and I missed your lovely post, I'm sorry! If I tagged you and this is just too tedious to worries! See you all around the blogs!
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