Construction is under way on one of my remodel projects.  While many people dread this aspect of a job, I love it.  I really enjoy seeing everything we've planned get pulled together and start to come to life.  At this point, you can really see how making material selections, laying out tile work, lighting, electrical, etc. is so important to do before you start.  I've spent many hours on the design of this large remodel and my time spent up front is paying off.

This was a 1990's contemporary.  It had a very good floor plan, but the chunky, bullnosed style was dated.  It had some unique details like that stepped sheetrock design (which was everywhere!) at the ceiling that made the space seem very horizontal and oppressive.  The 12" x 12" slate (too little and too busy for the wide open space in this house) has been busted out. The dark oak kitchen cabinets and heavy, plain style just had to go. 

The homeowner wanted a traditional style with a light warm color scheme.  She likes beautiful wood mouldings and travertine floors.  A simplified, rectangular island shape and new cooktop location on the end wall of the kitchen, helps the bring the layout up to date and give the kitchen a nice focal point.

It's so nice to see those dark cabinets out and the stepped sheetrock gone.  The space already seems so much brighter and more uplifting.

New crown moulding going in where the sheetrock steps once were.

Travertine floor has begun.  

The larger tile is so much more appropriate for the size of the rooms.  Laying tile on the diagonal opens up the room and the tile appears even larger than it would run straight.

Before - Master tub deck with steps.  It's really very difficult to get into a tub with steps up to it.  It's much easier to sit down on the edge of a tub and swing your legs over to get in.  Even if you step into the tub, at least you're not climbing over the steps or stepping down into the tub from the deck.  I suppose it's to make the tub look grand????

New tub deck without the steps!  We will have some beautiful tile work to come.

Before - The living room fireplace.  Rather lackluster and there are those steps at the ceiling again.

I think it looks better already!

If you're ready to take on a big remodel, contact Aston Design Studio for a timeless interior, custom made for you!


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